
Kasper-js 1.0.1

This is a work in progress of a javascript html template parser and renderer

> Try it out in playground!

Here you can find a small demo of Kanban board done with kasper-js

> KasperJS Kanban board demo

Project goals

Create a full modern javascript framework

Realistic goal is to write a javascript template parser and use it later to create a base for a javascript framework (components, dependency injection, build, etc..) and learn, research and understand the complexity of the task.

Template syntax goals

Kasper’s template syntax should always be a valid html syntax. Any html editor should work correctly with it. The template language should be cohesive and clean, ideally with no compromises

Implemented so far

Getting started

To use kasper you will need to:

    <script src="kasper.min.js"></script>
      class MyApp extends KasperApp {
        myAppName = "MyAppName"

Conditional expression

  <div @if="this.something > 20">less 20</div>
  <div @elseif="this.something === 30">its 30</div>
  <div @else>other</div>

Foreach expression

  <li @each="item of this.items">
    <button @on:click="this.open(index)"></button>

Let expression

Evaluated during element creation

<div @let="student = {name: person.name, degree: 'Masters'}; console.log(student.name)">

While expression

<span @while="index < 3">

Event listener expression

<button @on:click="alert('Hello World')">

Template string expression

Evaluates the expression to string and inserts it into the dom as a TextNode


Template expression interpreter

Kasper’s expression interpreter emulates basic javascript expressions. So far it implements the following expressions: Assign, Binary, Call, Debug, Dictionary, Each, Get, Grouping, Key, Logical, List, Literal, New, NullCoalescing, Postfix, Set, Template, Ternary, Typeof, Unary, Variable, Void

Assignment expression

identifier [operator] expression; Valid operators are: = += -= *= /=

number = 22;
list = [1, 2, "hello"];
dict = {"green": "#00FF00 };
text += "Hello World";

Binary expression

identifier [operator] expression; Valid operators are: + - / *

text + list[0] * dict.value;

Function call expression


